
+41 22 959 75 00

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Mon-Fri. 8am-6pm, Tue-Thu. 8h-19h, Wed. 9am-7pm


Dental Surgery in Geneva

Dental surgery in Geneva includes all surgical procedures concerning the inside of the oral cavity.

The most commonly performed dental surgery operations in Geneva are extractions of simple and complex teeth, extractions of impacted wisdom teeth and implantology. But oral surgery also includes other treatments such as cyst removal or bone grafts.

If a tooth has too advanced pathologies (decay or loosening), sometimes the only solution may be to remove it, in order to avoid complications that could lead to general health problems, such as endocarditis or septicaemia.

Wisdom teeth often cause problems when they don't have room to come out properly. This can lead to painful dental infections and can also cause teeth to move after orthodontic treatment. To avoid this, tooth extraction is often preferable.

Today, the replacement of an extracted tooth is frequently done by placing a dental implant, in a simple and painless way.

When oral infections have damaged the jawbone or gums, modern techniques exist for their reconstruction.

All of the dentists at Centre Dentaire Champel and Lancy are at your disposal to ensure that all these dental surgery procedures are carried out in the best possible conditions. «